Held Design


Birds of Paradise 1

This is a new series I am working on, it’s for Artsweek 2015 in Kilkenny, where I will, for a second year, take my summer holidays outside our famous Castle. This series is a work in progress but fingers crossed will have a few more pieces for August!


More of my Friends

Another job I’ve been working on for a while, these little lads are now my best friends. I don’t get out much but when I do I bring them with me. They love heading to the pub but the ducks, especially the little ones, are light weights!

Work in Progress

Been little busy lately so blogging going a little lobsided!

Anyway here’s a sneak at a work in progress and I’m particularly happy with this one. If I could type and pat myself on the back I would but I’d have to grow a third hand, don’t get me wrong, I’m not defeatist I have tried but alas still no joy…

Anyway I’ll enjoy, from me and my two hands!


A day in the dump via my black ink pen…

Places my characters hang out/live…
1. “The Bread Bin Bar”, having a little difficulty giving those characters expressions, again as below, a little help needed and all suggestions welcomed.
2. “The Red Light District” where all the tabloids and a few broadsheets hangout. “Nelsons” the hostel, a massive (in dump terms), but gentle mahogany door.
3. “The Couch” on Revolutionary Road, the student/rebel/hippy district of the dump.

A Load of Rubbish needs some help!

These are some sketches I’ve been working on based around one of my stories and I need a little help.

I am trying to animate characters from the dump but I want to do it without adding anything else to them. I want their faces, their human”ish” characteristics to be a part of what they would normally look like, I don’t want them to look like an add on, hope I’m explaining myself. Anyway, this works with objects made from materials that will bend, as you can squish and squash mouths, eyes etc… into places they weren’t meant to be, but when it comes to glass, wood (although can use the knots to some effect) and other solid materials it proves a bit of a problem.
Have a look at the drawings and see if they spark any inspirations…
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