Held Design


Stay in Kilkenny…

Go on you all know you want to!

Daly’s B&B is based right smack bang in the middle of Kilkenny and if I was staying anywhere I’d stay there (apart from the fact that I live in Kilkenny and it really makes no sense!) Anyway Dalys has gorgeous rooms, loads of parking, are five seconds from anywhere and are right beside The Two Dames (you won’t go hungry in this place in fact you may not fit back out the door).

So no excuses visit stayinkilkenny.ie and come visit me!

The Kro Team

Kro IT Solutions is a web development, custom software, IT consulting, e-commerce, and general website services business working across all sectors in Ireland.

Anyway, yes that does seem and sound a little random…so to continue from my stream of thought.

I have been working with Kro helping to design some of their sites for the last year and Ruairi has kindly written a little piece on Held in his blog, click here to have a read. If your looking for a bridal site you could just be in luck!

Visit the Kro website here (I’d highly recommend a look and if you have any questions give them a call, their really helpful and always up for a chat)


Flip’s Off

My artwork for the Little Ghost gallery.

The show is based around toys of Christmas past. My piece is a set of five images which tell a little story. Have a look and see what you think.

Show open until Christmas Eve so head along and buy my beauty or any of the other little beauties hanging on the white walls!


Boland Solicitors goes live…

Kieran Boland Solicitors in Kilkenny asked me to design a simple website for them.

The key to the design was ease of use and simple navigation, they didn’t want their clients getting lost in the jargon.

The site has recently been launched at www.bolandsolicitors.com


Personalised Posters

Hi All,

I’ve done a few personalised posters for family and friends and have been asked a few times if I do them in general so I have had a think and decided that “yes I do.” So if you would like to surprise someone you love or hate whichever I don’t discriminate but I do rhyme (clearly) with a poster let me know and I’ll give it a go…so

You can contact me on helena@helddesign.ie
or visit helddesign.ie for my number and give me a bell (literally I don’t take cash)


A Touch of Vintage

I am currently working on a job that I decided, after some research, needed photography. So out came the camera. I blew the dust of the lens, screwed in the tripod and went all snap happy.

These are snippet of the results, pretty happy with them. Thinking of changing career to stylist/photographer!


Flying Postcards…Wherever you roam

Our posters and postcards have been flying out the door since inception, there is also a range of other cards in various stages of design, from in the head to on the page, I’ll will upload any new items here so watch this virtual space!

Please contact me if you would like your limited (as print run is running out but if demand out ways supply they will obviously become less limited!) edition postcard or poster or both. Postcards €2/Posters €8

New Work on Web

I have also uploaded new work onto my website, just clink on this link and MAGIC it’ll take you there. Find your way to the ideas page and pop a few balloons, sounds like I’m going mad but no that is literally how you do it!

Enjoy the browse, ye nosy feckers!!

More of my Friends

Another job I’ve been working on for a while, these little lads are now my best friends. I don’t get out much but when I do I bring them with me. They love heading to the pub but the ducks, especially the little ones, are light weights!

Work in Progress

Been little busy lately so blogging going a little lobsided!

Anyway here’s a sneak at a work in progress and I’m particularly happy with this one. If I could type and pat myself on the back I would but I’d have to grow a third hand, don’t get me wrong, I’m not defeatist I have tried but alas still no joy…

Anyway I’ll enjoy, from me and my two hands!

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