Held Design

Hey…What You Say To Flying Away?

I often play with relocation, sure isn’t variety the spice of life they say. The hassle’s a big thing. Pack everything up, put your life in a box only to take it out in a new place with new people and start again. If only, I’ve often thought, I could just move my house, literally. Tie on a few balloons, they’d add colour maybe even become a garden feature. When the whim took me, I’d let them loose, go where the wind blows. My flatmates of course would come too. I’d fly overnight, leave no room for discussion, limited choices you see lessens the arguments. They’d wake up one morning and step out onto a new street and we’d all be happy til the whim took again.

That’s exactly what Laurent Cherhere has done. He’s floated lots of Parisians house then taken great effort to photograph them. Many have gone missing in the prevailing winds but sure isn’t that part of the adventure. You can view more of Laurent’s work here www.laurentchehere.com

Now all that’s left to do is buy a house, shouldn’t be a problem.

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